
The 1st International Congress about: Sustainable Development for a Better Quality of Life




Le 1er Congrès International

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Abou Bekr Belkaid University, Tlemcen, Algeria

Faculty of Economic, Business & Management Sciences

Laboratory for Research in Management of People and Organizations

and the Pan African Institute PAUWES

Organize in collaboration with the

Faculty of Economic, Business & Management Sciences

The 1st International Congress about: Sustainable Development for a Better Quality of Life

June 26-27, 2024 (Hybrid), University of Tlemcen, Algeria

Programme Congré


Chers invités et participants nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir afin de participer à des discussions stimulantes et de partager ensemble vos idées et vos expériences dans le but de trouver des solutions durables pour améliorer la qualité de vie de tous